Created to commemorate the beginning of the new millennium, 1800 Milenio Tequila is an exceptional tequila that brings together 250 years of family traditions and eleven generations of expert tequileros. Double aged, it first rests in American oak casks for several years before it's finished in French oak cognac barrels for 4-6 months. Boasting a wonderful balance of soft and unique flavors of vanilla, red fruit, and cinnamon, it's one of the best representations of 1800 Tequila's roots. A very special expression, it comes in a slender tall bottle with a purple top – the color of royalty.
Launched in 1975 as a premium tequila brand, 1800 Tequila was first known as Cuervo 1800 Tequila. Today, it’s imported and distributed by the Beckmann family’s Proximo Spirits that also owns Jose Cuervo tequila. 1800 Tequila is a 100% blue agave tequila produced and bottled in Jalisco, Mexico. All their expressions come in the signature trapezoidal shaped bottles, reminiscent of Mayan pyramids, with the top designed as a shot glass. Named after the year tequila was first aged in oak casks, it was Jose Antonio Cuervo of Jalisco who was first given the license for tequila-making by King Ferdinand VI of Spain. 1800 Tequila has garnered numerous international prestigious awards for its premium expressions.